What happened at Northside this week?
3rd December 2015 - Christmas Party (last dance for 2015)
What a great party night. 3 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream
30 dancers in the hall. Plenty of Christmas tunes.
Margaret, Elaine, David Pearce and myself calling. All did a great job.
Natasha did her first call - I want a Hippo for Christmas.
She did a great job, maybe a candidate for a future callers competition.
Hall was decorated to theme, we spent a couple of hours during the day.
There were something like 20 raffle prizes, the raffle was well supported by the dancers.
Thanks to all those who donated prizes and brought supper.
We donated $100.00 to the Salvos for their Christmas appeal. See you in February.
26th November 2015
22 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Did a few more Christmas songs tonight
Did a combined Bracket with Elaine, she wasn't feeling 100%.
Margaret was there but didn't have a call.
Only 1 more dance night this year.
19th November 2015 - Numbers improving.
24 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Margaret had a call tonight. Did a few Christmas songs tonight
Donations still coming in for the Christmas raffle.
Had a play with some 3 handed Ocean waves, it went pretty well.
Only 2 more dance nights this year.
12th November 2015 - Numbers still down a bit.
18 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Margaret had a call tonight. Great to have Elaine & Julie-Anne with us tonight
Elaine also had a bracket. Donations are coming in thick & fast for the Christmas raffle.
Had a play with some 3 handed Ocean waves, it went pretty well.
Only 3 more dance nights this year.
5th November 2015 - Pretty good night with a late storm
17 dancers in the hall. 1 square for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Dick & Karen with us tonight. We counted just on 2 full squares of dancers away.
Maggie from Caboolture brought Margaret tonight.
I was the only caller tonight.
29th October 2015 - Had a good night
28 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3+ for Mainstream.
Margaret was back , but not dancing or calling yet, good to see her though.
Good to have Jan Hay visit, Malcolm was also there, but he's a regular.
Ron & Hazel back as well, at least for a couple of weeks.
22nd October 2015 - It threatened to be a rainy/stormy evening.
18 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Margaret still away, she says she'll probably be back next week
It was still a good night, a little warm though.
Quite a few of our regulars away. Just me calling. Finished at 9pm.
15th October 2015
25 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Margaret still away, hope she's right soon.
Elaine and I calling tonight, we also shared a Hoedown and Singing call.
Had pretty good night. Workshopped "Peel Off" in Plus.
Did a little assymetrical at Mainstream.
8th October 2015
18 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Just me calling tonight, did do some "different" stuff tonight though.
Played with some asymmetrical, also some 6 couple Rectangle stuff.
Good to have Dick & Karen back, they are here in the country permanently now.
Quite a few of our regulars away.
1st October 2015
19 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Quite a few dancers away, it has been a big week of square dancing.
Some of us are a little tired.
I did all the calling. Finished at 9pm.
24th September 2015 - 24 hours until the State Convention
28 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
No learner brackets again tonight. Good to have Eden with us though.
Elaine, Margaret & I all calling. Everyone looking forward to the State Convention.
Diane from Maryborough joined us for a dance, she's in town visiting relatives.
I'm seriously considering dropping 15 minutes from the end of each dance night and finishing at 9.15pm.
17th September 2015 - lots of rain early in the evening
23 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
No learner brackets again tonight.
Elaine & I only, tonight. I really enjoyed working with her
Elaine did her own bracket and we shared another.
Peter & the girls with us tonight. Good to see Julie-Anne back.
10th September 2015
21 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
No learner brackets again tonight. Maggie will probably be back in 2 weeks
Margaret & I only, tonight. Margaret still working on some new choreo.
We also shared a 3 number singing call bracket to finish the night.
3rd September 2015
25 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3 squares for Mainstream.
No learner brackets again tonight. Maggie will be back after some medical treatment.
Only Margaret & I tonight. Margaret tried out some new choreo.
Sheryl's girls both with us tonight
Margaret (Rod) took out the Joker draw tonight @ $82.00.
Will go back to 2 chocolates for the lucky draw for the rest of the year
27th August 2015 - A really good night
28 dancers in the hall. 3 squares for Plus and 3 squares for Mainstream.
No learner brackets again tonight.
Rob (Elaine) had a night with no work. Good to see Elaine well again.
Margaret & Elaine both had a bracket, Elaine did a Plus Hoedown as well.
Joker still not gone off, only 12 cards to go.
20th August 2015 - Numbers way down
17 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 squares for Mainstream.
Many dancers away due to travel and others with illness.
Even Rosalie had a night away. No learners either.
Still had a great night, thanks to Margaret & Denise and the rest of the dancers helping out.
Joker drawer still building.
13th August 2015 - A good night, numbers down a little.
Lynn called in early to say she wouldn't be back for a while - a real shame.
Graham & Lorraine not well. Julie-Anne and Elaine away due to car troubles.
23 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2+ squares for Mainstream.
Still cold, closed doors with the heaters on.
Taught "Dixie Style to an O/W" at Mainstream
Margaret had a bracket. Joker drawer now up to $78 with 14 cards to go.
6th August 2015 - Great dance night
30 dancers in the hall. 2+ squares for Plus and 3+ squares for Mainstream.
Weather still cool, but once we close the doors it's fine.
Rob Davis wasn't working so he visited with Elaine.
Mainstream still progressing and having Fun.
30th July 2015 - Cool again tonight
26 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
Taught "Fold", "Cross Fold", "Recycle" and "8 Chain Thru" for Mainstream.
Plus dancers are just dancing now, reviewing everything.
Margaret and Elaine did a Mainstream bracket each for me.
Had a really good, interesting night.
23rd July 2015 - Finally, a warm night
29 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
Taught "Pass to the Centre", "Slide Thru" "Walk & Dodge" and revised "Scootback" for Mainstream.
Plus learners did "Track 2" and "Follow your Neighbour".
Plus class is now complete, Just need to dance more.
Margaret did a Mainstream bracket for me.
Elaine away with a Cold/Flu after Monday at Caloundra.
16th July 2015 - Numbers still down, it was bloody cold
19 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Revised "Spin the Top" for Mainstream.
Plus learners did "Explode and Anything" and "Explode the Wave".
Margaret back tonight, she did a Mainstream bracket for me.
Surely this ice cold weather can't last much longer???
9th July 2015 - Numbers down a little - still a good night.
25 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
No New Dancers tonight, all Mainstream with an extra bracket of Plus
Plus learners started on "Crossfire" and revised "Relay the Deucey".
No guest callers tonight, I did the whole night myself.
Joker Draw still building.
2nd July 2015 - What a fabulous night
35 dancers in the hall. 3 squares for Plus and 4 for Mainstream.
New Dancers started Mainstream, "Turn Thru" and "Scoot Back"
No new stuff for Plus learners tonight, just dancing.
Elaine called a bracket and shared a bracket with me.
Joker Draw still not gone off.
I had a really good night, enjoyed having a crowd.
Welcome new dancers Bruce & Gail, they are experienced dancers that have moved to this side of town.
We first met them at the Cleveland State Convention last year.
No Dancing, 25th June 2015.
18th June 2015 - Had a good night
26 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
Taught "Diamonds" tonight - Circulate, Flip, Cut & Point to Point.
No beginners tonight. They'll be starting Mainstream in July.
Margaret back tonight, she called a bracket for us.
Lynn and June Wall still with us, nearly calling them regulars.
Joker Draw still building, now $64.00
No Dancing next week, 25th June.
11th June 2015 - Another great night! Many Caboolture visitors again!!
37 dancers in the hall. A square from Caboolture.
2 squares for Plus and 4 for Basic/Mainstream.
No teaching again tonight, just some Plus revision. Basic & Mainstream Dancing
Elaine had 2 brackets, Basic & Mainstream.
Due to rain, Rob had the night off work and joined us.
Learners from both clubs are really coming along well.
Great to have Lynn and June Wall still with us.
Sheryl, Peter and girls, Graham & Lorraine back this week.
4th June 2015 - What a great night! Caboolture visited Northside!!
40 dancers in the hall. A square and a half from Caboolture.
2 squares for Plus and 4 for Basic/Mainstream.
No teaching tonight, just dancing - everybody had a ball.
Margaret and Elaine both had a bracket of Mainstream.
Learners from both clubs really enjoyed the night.
Supper was great, most of it was eaten, we didn't take too much home.
Great to have Lynn back and also to have June Wall visit.
Sheryl, Peter and girls away, Graham & Lorraine away.
See PICTURES page for photos.
28th May 2015 - Numbers down a little tonight
23 dancers in the hall.
1 square for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Taught "Single Circle to a Wave & 3/4", "Trade the Wave" & "Dixie Grand" during Plus.
"1st couple go Left, next go Right", "Mini-Wave, Veer Left & Right" and "Circulates & Trades"
also "Partner Trade" and "Trade By" for the Learners,
Felt bad, forgot to give Margaret a call. Sorry Margaret!
Caboolture visiting next week. Bring a Plate!!!
Sheryl & Peters kids (Kathryn & Natasha) still enjoying their corner.
Lynn with us tonight, great to see her back after major medical issues.
Gary Kelsall also dropped in for a visit, walking stick in hand.
21st May 2015 - The great dance nights keep on coming!
33 dancers in the hall.
Again, 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
Taught "Co-ordinate" during Plus. Reviewed "Relay the Deucey".
"Flutter Wheel - Rev. Flutterwheel", "Wheel Around" and "Box the Gnat" for the Learners,
Reviewed "Allemande Thar" formation & Get-Outs.
Elaine and Margaret both had a bracket.
Looking forward to Caboolture visit in 2 weeks.
Sheryl & family with us tonight, have created a kids corner for them.
Good to see Russell Wall back with us tonight.
14th May 2015 - Another really great night!
31 dancers in the hall.
Again, 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
Reviewed "Peel Off" at Plus, then taught "Peel the Top".
"Half Sashay" and "Grand Square" for the Learners,
Reviewed "Allemande Thar" formation & Get-Outs.
Gimmick Call - "Heads-Square Thru 4" while the "Sides-8 Chain 4"
Elaine had a bracket, Margaret was away.
Joker jackpot now $56.00.
7th May 2015 - What a great night!
32 dancers in the hall.
2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
Taught "Peel Off" at Plus.
"Dive Thru" and "Allemande Thars" for the Learners.
Margaret and Elaine both had a bracket.
Phil & Yvonne back after a long break.
Joker jackpot is up to $54.00 and building.
30th April 2015 - Really wet weather
14 wet weather ducks joined us for a dance.
1 square Plus and 1 1/2 for Mainstream - Sheryl & family with us tonight.
Rob (Elaine) had another night off and came for a dance.
"Relay the Deucey" for the Plus learners.
Went through "Tag the Line, Recycle & Dixie Style" for the Mainstreamers.
Elaine called a couple of Brackets.
23rd April 2015
2 squares Plus and 2 for Mainstream - New dancers doing well.
Rob (Elaine) had a night off and came for a dance.
"Spin Chain & Exchange the Gears" for the Plus learners.
Looks like one of our Urns is "cactus", got a new one for next week already.
It only lasted 13 years. Cheap Rubbish!
Margaret & Elaine both called.
16th April 2015 - We're Back
Thanks to Margaret and all those that helped, for keeping the club dancing while we've been away.
The club had 2 squares each night while we were gone (2nd & 9th May)
Same again last night, 2 squares Plus and 2 for Mainstream - Maggie still going with beginners.
Sheryl's family joined us last night as well. 23 dancers in the hall.
Revision for Plus and did a bit of a workshop on "Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave " during MS.
Great to be back, really!!!
26th March 2015 - Yet another very Hot night
1 Squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream. 16 Dancers in the hall
Callers, Margaret and Glenn.
No beginners tonight, quite a few away.
Taught "Spin Chain & Exchange the Gears" to the Plus learners.
Did a new song, "Love is a big Ship" - a Cliff Richard hit.
Finished early due to the heat.
19th March 2015 - Another very Hot night
2 Squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream. 27 Dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D. and Glenn.
Maggie still with us for beginners. Sheryl's whole family joined us tonight
Taught the Plus class "Load the Boat"
Elaine did a new song "Zing go the strings of my Heart"
Finished a little early due to the heat.
12th March 2015
2 Squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream. 28 Dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D., Margaret and Glenn.
Maggie still with us for beginners. Sheryl's daughter Natasha joined us tonight
Aaron was here tonight also, brought another dancer Prue with him.
Taught the Plus class "Spin Chain the Gears"
Elaine and I nearly got "Mockingbird" perfect tonight.
5th March 2015
1 Square for Plus and 2 for Mainstream. 17 Dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D., Margaret and Glenn
Gail and Maggie still with us for beginners
Plus class still going O.K.
Bloody hot night, called it quits at 9.00 pm - didn't want anyone getting ill.
26th February 2015
2 Squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream. 27 dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D., Margaret and Glenn
2 more beginner ladies arrived, Gail and Allie, as well as Maggie
Still progressing with the Plus class as well.
19th February 2015 What a wet night
Quite few missing due to weather
1 Square for Plus and 2 for Mainstream. 16 dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D., Margaret and Glenn
Good to see Rob as well.
12th February 2015
3 Squares for Plus and 4 for Mainstream. 33 dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D., Margaret and Glenn
Still only 1 beginner (Maggie), she's learned about 15 moves already.
Have also got about 6 dancers learning Plus - they've done about 4 moves
5th February 2015 1st night back
3 Squares for Plus and 4 for Mainstream. 37 dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D., David Pearce and Glenn.
It was a really great night - a good start to the year.
Only 1 beginner (Maggie) so far.
What a great party night. 3 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream
30 dancers in the hall. Plenty of Christmas tunes.
Margaret, Elaine, David Pearce and myself calling. All did a great job.
Natasha did her first call - I want a Hippo for Christmas.
She did a great job, maybe a candidate for a future callers competition.
Hall was decorated to theme, we spent a couple of hours during the day.
There were something like 20 raffle prizes, the raffle was well supported by the dancers.
Thanks to all those who donated prizes and brought supper.
We donated $100.00 to the Salvos for their Christmas appeal. See you in February.
26th November 2015
22 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Did a few more Christmas songs tonight
Did a combined Bracket with Elaine, she wasn't feeling 100%.
Margaret was there but didn't have a call.
Only 1 more dance night this year.
19th November 2015 - Numbers improving.
24 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Margaret had a call tonight. Did a few Christmas songs tonight
Donations still coming in for the Christmas raffle.
Had a play with some 3 handed Ocean waves, it went pretty well.
Only 2 more dance nights this year.
12th November 2015 - Numbers still down a bit.
18 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Margaret had a call tonight. Great to have Elaine & Julie-Anne with us tonight
Elaine also had a bracket. Donations are coming in thick & fast for the Christmas raffle.
Had a play with some 3 handed Ocean waves, it went pretty well.
Only 3 more dance nights this year.
5th November 2015 - Pretty good night with a late storm
17 dancers in the hall. 1 square for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Dick & Karen with us tonight. We counted just on 2 full squares of dancers away.
Maggie from Caboolture brought Margaret tonight.
I was the only caller tonight.
29th October 2015 - Had a good night
28 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3+ for Mainstream.
Margaret was back , but not dancing or calling yet, good to see her though.
Good to have Jan Hay visit, Malcolm was also there, but he's a regular.
Ron & Hazel back as well, at least for a couple of weeks.
22nd October 2015 - It threatened to be a rainy/stormy evening.
18 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Margaret still away, she says she'll probably be back next week
It was still a good night, a little warm though.
Quite a few of our regulars away. Just me calling. Finished at 9pm.
15th October 2015
25 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Margaret still away, hope she's right soon.
Elaine and I calling tonight, we also shared a Hoedown and Singing call.
Had pretty good night. Workshopped "Peel Off" in Plus.
Did a little assymetrical at Mainstream.
8th October 2015
18 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Just me calling tonight, did do some "different" stuff tonight though.
Played with some asymmetrical, also some 6 couple Rectangle stuff.
Good to have Dick & Karen back, they are here in the country permanently now.
Quite a few of our regulars away.
1st October 2015
19 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Quite a few dancers away, it has been a big week of square dancing.
Some of us are a little tired.
I did all the calling. Finished at 9pm.
24th September 2015 - 24 hours until the State Convention
28 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
No learner brackets again tonight. Good to have Eden with us though.
Elaine, Margaret & I all calling. Everyone looking forward to the State Convention.
Diane from Maryborough joined us for a dance, she's in town visiting relatives.
I'm seriously considering dropping 15 minutes from the end of each dance night and finishing at 9.15pm.
17th September 2015 - lots of rain early in the evening
23 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
No learner brackets again tonight.
Elaine & I only, tonight. I really enjoyed working with her
Elaine did her own bracket and we shared another.
Peter & the girls with us tonight. Good to see Julie-Anne back.
10th September 2015
21 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
No learner brackets again tonight. Maggie will probably be back in 2 weeks
Margaret & I only, tonight. Margaret still working on some new choreo.
We also shared a 3 number singing call bracket to finish the night.
3rd September 2015
25 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3 squares for Mainstream.
No learner brackets again tonight. Maggie will be back after some medical treatment.
Only Margaret & I tonight. Margaret tried out some new choreo.
Sheryl's girls both with us tonight
Margaret (Rod) took out the Joker draw tonight @ $82.00.
Will go back to 2 chocolates for the lucky draw for the rest of the year
27th August 2015 - A really good night
28 dancers in the hall. 3 squares for Plus and 3 squares for Mainstream.
No learner brackets again tonight.
Rob (Elaine) had a night with no work. Good to see Elaine well again.
Margaret & Elaine both had a bracket, Elaine did a Plus Hoedown as well.
Joker still not gone off, only 12 cards to go.
20th August 2015 - Numbers way down
17 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 squares for Mainstream.
Many dancers away due to travel and others with illness.
Even Rosalie had a night away. No learners either.
Still had a great night, thanks to Margaret & Denise and the rest of the dancers helping out.
Joker drawer still building.
13th August 2015 - A good night, numbers down a little.
Lynn called in early to say she wouldn't be back for a while - a real shame.
Graham & Lorraine not well. Julie-Anne and Elaine away due to car troubles.
23 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2+ squares for Mainstream.
Still cold, closed doors with the heaters on.
Taught "Dixie Style to an O/W" at Mainstream
Margaret had a bracket. Joker drawer now up to $78 with 14 cards to go.
6th August 2015 - Great dance night
30 dancers in the hall. 2+ squares for Plus and 3+ squares for Mainstream.
Weather still cool, but once we close the doors it's fine.
Rob Davis wasn't working so he visited with Elaine.
Mainstream still progressing and having Fun.
30th July 2015 - Cool again tonight
26 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
Taught "Fold", "Cross Fold", "Recycle" and "8 Chain Thru" for Mainstream.
Plus dancers are just dancing now, reviewing everything.
Margaret and Elaine did a Mainstream bracket each for me.
Had a really good, interesting night.
23rd July 2015 - Finally, a warm night
29 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
Taught "Pass to the Centre", "Slide Thru" "Walk & Dodge" and revised "Scootback" for Mainstream.
Plus learners did "Track 2" and "Follow your Neighbour".
Plus class is now complete, Just need to dance more.
Margaret did a Mainstream bracket for me.
Elaine away with a Cold/Flu after Monday at Caloundra.
16th July 2015 - Numbers still down, it was bloody cold
19 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Revised "Spin the Top" for Mainstream.
Plus learners did "Explode and Anything" and "Explode the Wave".
Margaret back tonight, she did a Mainstream bracket for me.
Surely this ice cold weather can't last much longer???
9th July 2015 - Numbers down a little - still a good night.
25 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
No New Dancers tonight, all Mainstream with an extra bracket of Plus
Plus learners started on "Crossfire" and revised "Relay the Deucey".
No guest callers tonight, I did the whole night myself.
Joker Draw still building.
2nd July 2015 - What a fabulous night
35 dancers in the hall. 3 squares for Plus and 4 for Mainstream.
New Dancers started Mainstream, "Turn Thru" and "Scoot Back"
No new stuff for Plus learners tonight, just dancing.
Elaine called a bracket and shared a bracket with me.
Joker Draw still not gone off.
I had a really good night, enjoyed having a crowd.
Welcome new dancers Bruce & Gail, they are experienced dancers that have moved to this side of town.
We first met them at the Cleveland State Convention last year.
No Dancing, 25th June 2015.
18th June 2015 - Had a good night
26 dancers in the hall. 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
Taught "Diamonds" tonight - Circulate, Flip, Cut & Point to Point.
No beginners tonight. They'll be starting Mainstream in July.
Margaret back tonight, she called a bracket for us.
Lynn and June Wall still with us, nearly calling them regulars.
Joker Draw still building, now $64.00
No Dancing next week, 25th June.
11th June 2015 - Another great night! Many Caboolture visitors again!!
37 dancers in the hall. A square from Caboolture.
2 squares for Plus and 4 for Basic/Mainstream.
No teaching again tonight, just some Plus revision. Basic & Mainstream Dancing
Elaine had 2 brackets, Basic & Mainstream.
Due to rain, Rob had the night off work and joined us.
Learners from both clubs are really coming along well.
Great to have Lynn and June Wall still with us.
Sheryl, Peter and girls, Graham & Lorraine back this week.
4th June 2015 - What a great night! Caboolture visited Northside!!
40 dancers in the hall. A square and a half from Caboolture.
2 squares for Plus and 4 for Basic/Mainstream.
No teaching tonight, just dancing - everybody had a ball.
Margaret and Elaine both had a bracket of Mainstream.
Learners from both clubs really enjoyed the night.
Supper was great, most of it was eaten, we didn't take too much home.
Great to have Lynn back and also to have June Wall visit.
Sheryl, Peter and girls away, Graham & Lorraine away.
See PICTURES page for photos.
28th May 2015 - Numbers down a little tonight
23 dancers in the hall.
1 square for Plus and 2 for Mainstream.
Taught "Single Circle to a Wave & 3/4", "Trade the Wave" & "Dixie Grand" during Plus.
"1st couple go Left, next go Right", "Mini-Wave, Veer Left & Right" and "Circulates & Trades"
also "Partner Trade" and "Trade By" for the Learners,
Felt bad, forgot to give Margaret a call. Sorry Margaret!
Caboolture visiting next week. Bring a Plate!!!
Sheryl & Peters kids (Kathryn & Natasha) still enjoying their corner.
Lynn with us tonight, great to see her back after major medical issues.
Gary Kelsall also dropped in for a visit, walking stick in hand.
21st May 2015 - The great dance nights keep on coming!
33 dancers in the hall.
Again, 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
Taught "Co-ordinate" during Plus. Reviewed "Relay the Deucey".
"Flutter Wheel - Rev. Flutterwheel", "Wheel Around" and "Box the Gnat" for the Learners,
Reviewed "Allemande Thar" formation & Get-Outs.
Elaine and Margaret both had a bracket.
Looking forward to Caboolture visit in 2 weeks.
Sheryl & family with us tonight, have created a kids corner for them.
Good to see Russell Wall back with us tonight.
14th May 2015 - Another really great night!
31 dancers in the hall.
Again, 2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
Reviewed "Peel Off" at Plus, then taught "Peel the Top".
"Half Sashay" and "Grand Square" for the Learners,
Reviewed "Allemande Thar" formation & Get-Outs.
Gimmick Call - "Heads-Square Thru 4" while the "Sides-8 Chain 4"
Elaine had a bracket, Margaret was away.
Joker jackpot now $56.00.
7th May 2015 - What a great night!
32 dancers in the hall.
2 squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream.
Taught "Peel Off" at Plus.
"Dive Thru" and "Allemande Thars" for the Learners.
Margaret and Elaine both had a bracket.
Phil & Yvonne back after a long break.
Joker jackpot is up to $54.00 and building.
30th April 2015 - Really wet weather
14 wet weather ducks joined us for a dance.
1 square Plus and 1 1/2 for Mainstream - Sheryl & family with us tonight.
Rob (Elaine) had another night off and came for a dance.
"Relay the Deucey" for the Plus learners.
Went through "Tag the Line, Recycle & Dixie Style" for the Mainstreamers.
Elaine called a couple of Brackets.
23rd April 2015
2 squares Plus and 2 for Mainstream - New dancers doing well.
Rob (Elaine) had a night off and came for a dance.
"Spin Chain & Exchange the Gears" for the Plus learners.
Looks like one of our Urns is "cactus", got a new one for next week already.
It only lasted 13 years. Cheap Rubbish!
Margaret & Elaine both called.
16th April 2015 - We're Back
Thanks to Margaret and all those that helped, for keeping the club dancing while we've been away.
The club had 2 squares each night while we were gone (2nd & 9th May)
Same again last night, 2 squares Plus and 2 for Mainstream - Maggie still going with beginners.
Sheryl's family joined us last night as well. 23 dancers in the hall.
Revision for Plus and did a bit of a workshop on "Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave " during MS.
Great to be back, really!!!
26th March 2015 - Yet another very Hot night
1 Squares for Plus and 2 for Mainstream. 16 Dancers in the hall
Callers, Margaret and Glenn.
No beginners tonight, quite a few away.
Taught "Spin Chain & Exchange the Gears" to the Plus learners.
Did a new song, "Love is a big Ship" - a Cliff Richard hit.
Finished early due to the heat.
19th March 2015 - Another very Hot night
2 Squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream. 27 Dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D. and Glenn.
Maggie still with us for beginners. Sheryl's whole family joined us tonight
Taught the Plus class "Load the Boat"
Elaine did a new song "Zing go the strings of my Heart"
Finished a little early due to the heat.
12th March 2015
2 Squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream. 28 Dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D., Margaret and Glenn.
Maggie still with us for beginners. Sheryl's daughter Natasha joined us tonight
Aaron was here tonight also, brought another dancer Prue with him.
Taught the Plus class "Spin Chain the Gears"
Elaine and I nearly got "Mockingbird" perfect tonight.
5th March 2015
1 Square for Plus and 2 for Mainstream. 17 Dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D., Margaret and Glenn
Gail and Maggie still with us for beginners
Plus class still going O.K.
Bloody hot night, called it quits at 9.00 pm - didn't want anyone getting ill.
26th February 2015
2 Squares for Plus and 3 for Mainstream. 27 dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D., Margaret and Glenn
2 more beginner ladies arrived, Gail and Allie, as well as Maggie
Still progressing with the Plus class as well.
19th February 2015 What a wet night
Quite few missing due to weather
1 Square for Plus and 2 for Mainstream. 16 dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D., Margaret and Glenn
Good to see Rob as well.
12th February 2015
3 Squares for Plus and 4 for Mainstream. 33 dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D., Margaret and Glenn
Still only 1 beginner (Maggie), she's learned about 15 moves already.
Have also got about 6 dancers learning Plus - they've done about 4 moves
5th February 2015 1st night back
3 Squares for Plus and 4 for Mainstream. 37 dancers in the hall
Callers, Elaine D., David Pearce and Glenn.
It was a really great night - a good start to the year.
Only 1 beginner (Maggie) so far.